Gure Aita (Padrenuestro)

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2008

General Election in Spain 2008

Mapa del Minsiterio del Interior (99,99% escrutado). Map from the Spanish Government (99,99% votes counted)

Red is where PSOE has won.

Blue is where PP has won.

White: No clear winner.

These are the final results for the General Elections in Spain. 9 March 2008
Legislative Low Chamber. Approbes laws and send them to the verification of the Senate. If they're denied at the Senate, they return to the Congress to make final decission.
It names the President of the Government.
It can start a Constitutional change (for the whole Constitution only).
It can approbe Organic Laws that make notifications and extensions of the Constitution.
It can approbe or vetoe Autonous Statuties.
It can approbe essential decissions for the country, like special status or declarations of war.
It makes a General Debate yearly.
The King disolves it when the President of the Government ask him to, or when there is no President of the Government.
Total: 350 seats (Deputees)
Whole Majority (half + 1): 176 seats


Social-Democrats (PSOE): 169 seats
Leader: Mr. Zapatero, current President of the Government
Conservatives (PP): 153 seats
Leader: Mr. Rajoy
Catalan Nationalists (CiU): 11 seats
Leader: Mr. Mass
Basque Nationalists (PNV): 6 seats
Leader: Mr. Erkoreka (Deputee) / Mr. Anasagasti (Senator)
Catalan Republican & Leftish (Esquerra): 3 seats
Leader: Mr. Carod-Rovira
Leftish Republican (IU): 2 seats
Leader: Mr. Llamazares
Galician Nationalists (BNG): 2 seats
Canary Islands Nationalists (CC+PNC): 2 seats
Centre-Left (UPyD): 1 seat (in)
Leader: Mrs. Rosa Díez
Basque Nationalists of Navarre (Na-Bai): 1 seat
Leader: Mrs. N.
Basque Social-Democrat Nationalists (EA): 0 (out)
Aragon Ragionals (CHA): 0 (out)
Legislative High Chamber. Provintial & Regional Representation Chamber. It has the right to vetoe laws approbed at the Congress.
If a process of Constitutional Change begins, it has to allow it. Then, the change must be accepted in Referendum by the 75% of the voters at less.
It names Judges for the Constitutional Court of Justice.
It makes Regional Debates.
The King disolves it when the President of the Government ask him to, or when there is no President of the Government.
Total: 208 seats (Senators)
Whole Majority (half + 1): 105 seats
Conservatives (PP): 101 Senators (102 before)
Social-Democrats (PSOE): 89 Senators (81 before)
Catalan Leftish (Entesa Cat.): 12 Senators
Catalan Nationalists(CiU): 4 Senators
Basque Nationalists (PNV): 2 Senators (6 before)
Canary Islands Nationalists (CC-PNC): 0 (out) (3 before)
Social-Democrats (PSOE), provisionally, untill a new President is elected by the new Congress
Provisional President: Mr Zapatero
Provisional Vice-President: Mrs F. De la Vega
Executive highest organism, higher than the Autonomous Governments, Provintial Councils, Foral Councils, Island Cabidos and Town Councils.
Its President is named by the Congress. If he resigns, for longer gets sick or dies, the King disolves the Congress and the Senate, and there are General Elections again.
The President of the Government selects the Vice-President, the Ministers and other government charges.
It is divided into Ministries.
The Ministries have National Institutes.
The Government of Spain have sub-delegations in all provinces and territories.
Ambassadors and Consuls are named and cessed by the Government of Spain.
It can make Royal Decrets, that play like laws, when the issue is not very crucial or when General Courts (Parliament) are dissolved.
I can convocate elections and referenda.
It can declare war, peace, special status or emergency alerts.

Those in green, have increased. Those in red, decreased. Those in grey, mantain

Source: Spanish Government. Ministry of Inside Issues

more than 99,99% votes already counted



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